As of now, our process looks somewhat like this:
1. Get picture of score
2. Invert picture of score
3. Convert inverted picture to Float image in Gamera
4. Convolve inverted Float image with template in Gamera
5. Threshold result of convolution to get locations of template
6. Use locations of templates combined with locations of staff lines to determine locations of notes
We have implemented steps 1 through 5. We have been able to threshold some of the images manually, but have not decided on a good algorithm yet to do it automatically. Step 6 will be worked on after we figure out thresholding.
(Above: an image produced by manually thresholding)
We used the gamera function convolve with the bootstrap template set and got some very strange results initially. We used a piece of sheet music generated by MuseScore as a toy example:
Then using a quarternote template:
We don't have a clue what caused the visual doppler effect, but we had the idea to invert both the template and the toy image so that the highest response would correspond to the correct points in the image. A non inverted image has (255,255) for white and (0,0) for black, which would cause the correct points to have a low response. This was not ideal, hence the inversion.
Running the convolution function after the inversion yielded:
This made a lot more sense, and the areas where quarternotes actually were yielded very high values. Running a non-maximal suppression algorithm would be a good following step.
We then tried this again using a treble clef template:
Resulting in:
While it "somewhat" recognized the treble clef in some completely wrong spots, what matter is that it very strongly recognized it in the approximate spot. The great thing about clefs is that you don't need to spot them at an exact location, as long as they can be identified with a certain staff.
Then we tried the bass clef:
While the values were strong where the bass clef actually is, it's stronger where the TREBLE clef is. This sort of thing, along with other thus far untested symbols will require more training and template averaging in the future.
Ok, so convolution works for the most part. However, all the tests thus far were using templates created by MuseScore, on a toy example created by MuseScore as well. So we went back to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, something we pulled off the 'net.
We ran the Fujinaga staff removal algorithm on Twinkle solely to obtain the staffline height, in pixels: 19. Our templates are based on a 22-pixel staffline height. So we scaled our Twinkle sheet music by 22/19 and ran the convolution algorithm to obtain:
So far the results aren't bad for quarternotes, but much more testing will be needed for other music scores and symbols.
Then using a quarternote template:
We don't have a clue what caused the visual doppler effect, but we had the idea to invert both the template and the toy image so that the highest response would correspond to the correct points in the image. A non inverted image has (255,255) for white and (0,0) for black, which would cause the correct points to have a low response. This was not ideal, hence the inversion.
Running the convolution function after the inversion yielded:
This made a lot more sense, and the areas where quarternotes actually were yielded very high values. Running a non-maximal suppression algorithm would be a good following step.
We then tried this again using a treble clef template:
Resulting in:
While it "somewhat" recognized the treble clef in some completely wrong spots, what matter is that it very strongly recognized it in the approximate spot. The great thing about clefs is that you don't need to spot them at an exact location, as long as they can be identified with a certain staff.
Then we tried the bass clef:
While the values were strong where the bass clef actually is, it's stronger where the TREBLE clef is. This sort of thing, along with other thus far untested symbols will require more training and template averaging in the future.
Ok, so convolution works for the most part. However, all the tests thus far were using templates created by MuseScore, on a toy example created by MuseScore as well. So we went back to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, something we pulled off the 'net.
We ran the Fujinaga staff removal algorithm on Twinkle solely to obtain the staffline height, in pixels: 19. Our templates are based on a 22-pixel staffline height. So we scaled our Twinkle sheet music by 22/19 and ran the convolution algorithm to obtain:
So far the results aren't bad for quarternotes, but much more testing will be needed for other music scores and symbols.
MuseScore for bootstrap template creation
For the purposes of bootstrap template creation, MuseScore is pretty cool. With the consideration of staff lines, it would be maddening to search the internet for music sheets to create a comprehensive starting template set. A good suggestion from a previous session was the idea of creating sheet music myself to generate the desired templates: notes in various places in the staff, under even obscure circumstances.
I created a toy sheet of music and placed notes, rests in various places: low and high in the staff, to accommodate all the possible places symbols can be found in a sheet of music. The resulting template set was not exhaustive, but will do for now, as it contains the most common notes, rests, and clefs.
After a quick slice and dice on Photoshop, involving some heavy eyeballing, I boxed out the templates, making the box sizes as small as I possibly could.
I tried to make the template sizes consistent among symbol types, quarter notes and half notes being 32 x 22. However, there is more variety of sizes within our rest symbols. As you can see, a quarter rest (24 x 60 in the set) is larger than a eighth rest (22 x 40)
A problem I foresee with our set right now is that at least with handwritten scores, ignoring the stems (which I did for quarter and half note templates), half notes can look very much like whole notes. I left a little bit of the stem in the templates, but it might not be enough.
This bootstrap set is by no means final; I foresee a lot of resizing in the future. It depends on how our template matching algorithm goes.
Staff removal and template matching
Tim and I took a step back to see what is ahead and do a little bit of planning. We decided to use template matching to recognize the symbols. These are the major tasks we need to do next:
Here is overview of the algorithms after some testing with the sample set, which consists of super high quality (I'm talking 10+ MB per file) png's which were created when Tim took photographs of music sheets with his fancy camera.
- Create a bootstrap template library (I am currently working on this - will henceforth refer to this as BTL: Bootstrap Template Library, and while we're on it, BTC : Bootstrap Template Creation)
- Create a template matcher (Tim is currently working on this)
- Create a training program which will add to the bootstrap template library
- ???
Backtrack a little: so far we've dealt with staff removal, a task which may or may not help with character recognition. It does more harm than good if our staff removal algorithm mangles symbols that overlap with the staves. No staff removal algorithm is better than a bad one, BUT no staff removal algorithm means more tedious BTC. Creating and using template matcher with a dataset that has staff lines means we would have to account all ways staff lines could pass through a symbol: a near-exponential blowup of the number of templates.
Luckily for us, we found a really cool Gamera library called musicStaves which contains functions that implement some of the current best staff removal algorithms. That thing is Tim and I have heard of all these algorithms in various papers we read about staff removal. It's really cool to actually see them in action.
Here is overview of the algorithms after some testing with the sample set, which consists of super high quality (I'm talking 10+ MB per file) png's which were created when Tim took photographs of music sheets with his fancy camera.
Linetracking - the worst. Makes sense, since the algorithm is a very simple one
Fujinaga - really good, staves were removed cleanly, for the most part
Carter - also really good, not that much different than Fujinaga
Roach-Tatem - this one actually caused the Gamera GUI to crash, resulting in a bunch of errors. Never using this again.
Skeleton - this one was also good, very similar to Fujinaga and Carter.
It seems like Fujinaga, Carter, and Skeleton are the best. I stored sample results with Fujinaga, just because the name is cooler.
See for yourself in this sample result.
Also, another sample result.
As you can see, the results are pretty good, but fails to remove staves in seemingly random locations. This might be due to Tim's lack of photography skills; nevertheless, we still need to account for the fact that the staff removal algorithms are not perfect and will fail on some, albeit rare cases.
See for yourself in this sample result.
Also, another sample result.
As you can see, the results are pretty good, but fails to remove staves in seemingly random locations. This might be due to Tim's lack of photography skills; nevertheless, we still need to account for the fact that the staff removal algorithms are not perfect and will fail on some, albeit rare cases.
This presents an annoying problem for templating: a very good staff removal algorithm, apparently, is not good enough to control the size of our BTL. We can't neglect the potential areas of the music sheet where the staff line removal algorithm failed.
I guess BTC will have to include stafflines. That's something I personally don't look forward to. BTC is not difficult, just tedious and highly repetitive. It will look something like this:
mFile = open(musicfile)
pasteRegion(new ImageFile() );
Now if only this function really existed.
Small Update, Staff Removal
Tested a toolkit for Gamera that does stave removal called MusicStaves. I checked it out using CVS and compiled it on my computer. Before, I was using a primitive runlength algorithm coded by myself to remove staves. Here is a comparison of it against one of MusicStaves' algorithms:
My Algorithm
As you can see, my algorithm produces a lot more noise. Probably should rerun some of the previous tests to see if they will be affected.
My Algorithm
As you can see, my algorithm produces a lot more noise. Probably should rerun some of the previous tests to see if they will be affected.
Classification and its difficulties
We have started building our training set. However, we are running into some difficulties on the way. One of the main problems is that the connected component analysis did not work as well as we hoped it would. Some of the note symbols would be stuck together, while others would be much too segmented. Nevertheless, we still tried labeling some of these symbols and running a k-NN algorithm on the rest of the unlabeled symbols and seeing what kind of results we would get. The results were not too bad; it was not complete noise, but it was definitely not as accurate as it could be. To improve the results, one thing we can try is increasing the amount of manually labeled symbols included in the training data.
Go Gamera!
A discovery that changed everything for us was Gamera, a very powerful computer vision framework that works specifically well with documents (not to be confused with this). Its library functions are written in C++ but a Python wrapper is available. Perfect. We were seriously considering Open CV in the beginning due to its popularity, but Gamera seems to cater to our needs better since we will be dealing with music documents.
We also decided on this repository/version control system. I has two levels of committing: committing file(s) to a local directory and then pushing those changes to be stored on the website. We quickly learned the appropriate commands and tested the system.
Back to Gamera: So how exactly did Gamera "change everything"?
1) From the get-go, we wanted to code in Python, since we really liked its ease of use and terseness, and for this project, we could get away with its relatively slow speed. Our preference, in order, was Python, Java, C++. OpenCV was pretty easy to set up with C++ and Java. There was a wrapper for Python, but it was not easy to figure out. Gamera is not too difficult to set up and use (unless you're using Windows).
2) Gamera comes prepackaged with a pretty well-designed interpreter/GUI which does all the regular interpreter tasks but also has an intuitive and easy to use interface for viewing and storing image objects dynamically. The interpreter also boasts Eclipse-like features such as auto-suggest and pulling up brief function documentation on the fly.
2) It turns out that Gamera has pretty good documentation. The Gamera website not only has documentation for its library functions, but also tutorials for carrying out AI tasks. For example, there is a tutorial for building machine learning training sets using the GUI.
Coming out with some concrete results toward our goal was relatively painless after we learned how to use our resources. We wrote a cute little function that, more or less takes care the first step of our project: staff removal. Turns out Gamera has a function called filter_wide_runs which removes horizontal runs longer than a specified length. Go figure. I say more or less because this function does not address the common problem of staff removal: parts of symbols that overlap with the staff lines are also removed. For more complicated sheets of music this would be a major problem, but for something trivial like Twinkle,Twinkle, Little Star we think it would be sufficient. Using this function purely without any cleanup is a good first step. As you can see, the result isn't too badly mangled:
Our next step would be segmenting and classifying symbols. Remember that training tutorial I mentioned earlier? That came in handy for this. Tim and I started playing around with the GUI's classifying tool to figure out how it can benefit us and I can certainly say that it is very powerful; it even has many options for the image-splitting algorithm used to get the training segments. This is the training in a nutshell: the user draws a bounding box around part of the image they want to train, and the GUI finds image segments that are part of the selection and chooses the symbol it think the user just selected. The user can then correct the GUI if it is wrong or it can create a new symbol name for the selection. For more details, refer to the link to the tutorial.
I can safely say we barely scratched the surface of what Gamera can offer, in terms of its library functions and also its GUI features. More research and testing needs to be done before we can come up with some results for the recognition component of our project, and also refinements for the staff removal.
So, until then, faithful blog readers.
Set up repository
We set up a Hg repository today for the project at Michael and I looked around the web for Python wrappers for OpenCV, but the ones that we found were either deprecated, poorly documented, or both. I installed a Java wrapper for OpenCV called JavaCV on my laptop. It appears to work properly and that may be what we use.
We also looked a little bit into the algorithms. For music OCR, one of the most important steps is staff recognition and removal. We read about a few common algorithms used to accomplish this task, but we are still undecided on which one to use. Another important step for music OCR is symbol segmentation. This comes after staff recognition and removal; after reading a paper, we have picked the k-NN technique for its simplicity and effectiveness.
We also looked a little bit into the algorithms. For music OCR, one of the most important steps is staff recognition and removal. We read about a few common algorithms used to accomplish this task, but we are still undecided on which one to use. Another important step for music OCR is symbol segmentation. This comes after staff recognition and removal; after reading a paper, we have picked the k-NN technique for its simplicity and effectiveness.
Hello World
This blog will track the progress of Tim Kang and Michael Perry's CSE 190 project. Our project is on applying OCR to sheet music (project proposal here). Our goal is to eventually be able to read handwritten or badly deformed printed sheets, but we will start with well-formed printed sheets in order to get everything working. For this project, we are going to stick with sheet music written in normal western notation; none of that hokey stuff.
For the people with less experience, Music OCR consists of several steps:
-- preprocessing -> staff recognition/removal -> symbol segmentation/classification
after of which the sheet music can be reconstructed in a format such as MusicXML or MIDI and read by a scorewriter program such as the commercial Finale or the open-source MuseScore.
For the people with less experience, Music OCR consists of several steps:
-- preprocessing -> staff recognition/removal -> symbol segmentation/classification
after of which the sheet music can be reconstructed in a format such as MusicXML or MIDI and read by a scorewriter program such as the commercial Finale or the open-source MuseScore.
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